Thursday, October 22, 2009

Obama's New Law to Protect Renter's from Landlords Foreclosing.

Your Mandura Juice Lady making sure that you are up to date with information that is important for you to be aware of. There are so many new laws and revamping of laws to address issues that have sky rocketed since our recession has gone into full swing. Of course the housing crisis has affected so many people. But the people that slipped through the cracks are renters.

You have many people that have an excellent rental history. They pay their rent on time and are being ROBBED by their landlords. Landlords are taking the money under deceptive means knowing that they are in foreclosure and still taking the monthly rent without telling the tenants anything.

Tenants are the last to know. They get notices on the door to leave their home and have 30 days sometimes less to move their entire family out of the home, and try to get their finances together to move. Is this fair? Who is here to protect the renter? Obama to the rescue to help renters.

A word to the wise for anyone about to rent a property ensure that you have a clause that requires the Landlord to provide you with a VOM (Verification of Mortgage) faxed to you directly from the lender every 3 months to ensure that the property is not in jeopardy of foreclosure. If they have a first and second mortgage you will need this for each lender. Because a landlord could be current on the first mortgage and the second mortgage be behind and still could go into foreclosure. Also make sure that you have a clause that states if the property goes into foreclosure you get a full refund of the rent that was paid from the date they went into foreclosure and your entire security deposit, this clause should have verbage like a promissory note.

"The Mandura Juice Lady" brings you up to date information to help you stay in tune with important information that impacts all our lives. Just like the renting situation requires you to have all your ducks in a row and in essence a plan B. You need to have a plan B, relating to your job. Multiple streams of income is extremely important in our economic times. Today I heard on the radio that in Atlanta they are estimated that unemployment rate is twice the national average. Because the unemployment rate is based off of people drawing unemployment. Well what about everyone who is self employed that is not working. That number I am sure is staggering. How can you protect yourself? build your security yourself do not leave the security of your family in the hands of anyone. Can you afford to put the fate of your family in a strangers hands?

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